Decoration: Styles

A successful ambiance results from successful interior design. To achieve this, you must define your style you. Of course, one style doesn’t exclude others; you can mix two or even three styles, however you must be careful. Here is a list of some interior design styles to help guide you in your decorating choices.


For a contemporary/modern style (they are the same thing), simplicity and function are the keys. Elements such as natural colours and tones, straight lines and well-defined curves are all important in this type of design. Accent colours will be bright and featured in a few carefully chosen decorative accessories. Shine is a dominant aspect in this decorating style, both on furniture and materials. Luminosity is also a hallmark of this type of decor; natural light is often very present thanks to the presence of large windows, and when needed, is accentuated with artificial light.


A minimalist style is characterised by its essential, utilitarian side. In this type of decor, there is never any excess; everything is useful and has a raison d’être. Unnecessary elements that you cannot do without should be kept out of sight in storage cabinets (remote controls for example!). Storage and organization are the keys. Neutral tone sand pale colours dominate, especially white for its purity. Decorative lines are very straight, pure and simple. Rooms are very linear, in both construction and furnishings. Accessories are few and far between (including curtains); this is why minimalist decors may appear empty.


Wood, natural stones, anything that is reminiscent of the earth and that has texture are the elements of choice in this type of decor. Raw materials such as wrought iron and brass are often used. Warm earth tones (sand, brown, blue, yellow, orange, bronze, etc.) are matched with wooden furniture with simple, round lines. Lace, jute, linen and cotton are often to be found in this type of décor, along with floral and plaid patterns. For the accessories, light fixtures and furniture, anything that is antique is perfect for this type of ambience.


Bright colours and originality is what you need to create a perfect vintage decor. The key to success is to draw inspiration from a specific era (for example: the 70s, or the 20s and 30s) and research the decor of your chosen era. When it comes to furniture, you can find unique, authentic pieces in second-hand stores and antique shops. These places are goldmines, like stores that specialize in retro. Wallpaper is often a key element to a retro decor because it sets the scene at a glance. Accessories are also an effective way to establish the era.


The feeling of being in a plant, warehouse oran old factory is what an industrial decor inspires. In this type of space ,concrete, brick, metal, stainless steel and glass are the materials of choice.Structural elements such as pipes, plumbing and beams are left visible. Colours such as black, grey, khaki and rusty orange are typically found in this type of decor. Furniture made out of wood and metal are an excellent choice here. As for lighting, the icon of the industrial style are Edison bulbs. They create a very raw, yet aesthetic look.


The eclectic style is not for everyone, since it is bold and doesn’t conform to any standards. There are no rules to follow, except to include everything you like, no matter the style. It is also important to keep in mind the overall look of the space so as not to place any elements that are not proportional or that don’t add any value. Eclectic is not synonymous with incoherent; there still must be a logic that links the various elements (a colour for example). This type of decor is the most representative of its creator since they have chosen each piece.


A zen atmosphere in a decor is often synonymous with Asian. This type of decoration encourages relaxation and calm, just like in a spa. In this type of decor, each space is well defined. The colours are often pale and inspired by natural elements (bamboo, stones and wood). Most of the light is from natural sources and any artificial light is low intensity and muted by paper lampshades. Often plants such as bamboo, orchids and cherry trees, as well as small fountains can be found! Like the minimalist decor, this style is all about simplicity and pure lines.


Scandinavian style is characterised by clean lines, simplicity, lots of white combined with the warmth of wood. It is also defined by an open space with little decoration, with flooring that is very natural and has little colour. The ergonomics, utility and comfort of the elements are the priority. Everything that is part of this style has a specific function. Natural light is important, as is artificial light. White is the dominant colour, which matches perfectly with geometric shapes and patterns in pale colours. The furniture is known for having compass feet. Wall accessories are framed drawings, graphics, abstracts and can be in colour or black and white.